Author Guidelines
Ajmh entails the researchers, mainly by the following-
-Put forth your innovative research on your paper
- Writing, submitting and publishing your research is a tedious task, as it takes up a lot of time and energy
- Article goes wider citations when it has innovative research ideas and new methods etc. which attracts readers and thus creates its space in the scientific community.
- All the authors MUST follow the ethics while writing an article. Phronesis WILL NOT encourage any kind of FALSE or FAKE submissions. It strictly takes action against such kind of users.
Article Formatting Details
Phronesis LLC accepts only Word file (.doc/.docx/.rtf) of the manuscript/article and the images in JPEG/tiff/png/ format on submission. If the file is too large to submit (in the terms of MB/GB/TB), we accept it through Google drive, One-drive, Dropbox and should be submitted to and also inform us through an email regarding the submission to Before submitting the article author must and should fill the cover letter template of which can be downloaded from the Submit Your Paper page.
It is NOT mandatory to submit the manuscript that looks like published article, as the detailed typesetting work will be undertaken by Phronesis team, which is a part of the production process. However, authors need to use a readable Times New Roman with font size (11 points for text and 12 bold for side headings, as font size) and line spacing (1.5). Authors need to include line numbers in their manuscript so that it will be easy for editors/reviewers to give their comments. Figures and tables should be at their appropriate place within the text, rather than placed at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be clearly drawn in an Excel sheet which will be convenient for editors/reviewers to review and also while typesetting the article.
Beginning of the Sentence, Title/Heading
Numerals are not used to begin a sentence, title, or heading. If it is a compulsion to begin a sentence, title, or heading with a number, then spell out the number. Try to avoid using number at the beginning of a sentence, title, or heading, just reword the sentence and use few words so that to make over the sentence. For example go through the below conditions-
Avoid: 35 mm is the preferred minimum distance from the subject. But it is better if the work area is 40-60 mm away.
Spell out: Thirty-five millimeters is the preferred minimum distance from the subject. But it is better if the work area is 40-60 mm away.
Reword: Although 35 mm is the preferred minimum distance from the subject, but few of them suggests that it is better if the work area is 40-60 mm away.
Note: If the numbers are in between 0 to 9 then we should spell that one CANNOT use the direct numerical, but for graphical values you have to mention them in numerical only, for example: Z = 0, 1, 2, 3….
Use the numerical, applying consistent logic only when -
- they are connected to a unit of measure (1 year, 1 mm, 0 A, etc.)
- they are used as assigned or calculated values (when z = 0, a mean of 1)
- are part of a series or are closely linked with numbers other than 0 or 1 (0, 1, 5, and 9 were…, between 0 and 2)
Length of Article/s
We DO NOT restrict the authors for the length of the article. Articles can be longer/shorter based on the topic of the particular research; however, the length of the manuscript must be justified by the relevant scientific content.
Manuscript Format
The article/manuscript should normally consist of the following sections and should follow the Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Reference system:
A title page with the title of the article, name(s) of author(s) and address(es) of affiliation(s) where the work was carried out and conflicts of interest
An abstract- references should not be mentioned
An Introduction
A methods section
A results section
A discussion section
A conclusion section
An acknowledgements section
Funding Sources
Conflicts of interest
A list of references
Note: While considering case reports and patient photographs, it is always mandatory to obtain written consent of the patients from the respective authors and to ensure their authenticity.
The following sections give a brief description of the main elements of an article.
Title page
Title of article
The title should be more informative, concise but it should be meaningful to the whole readership of the journal.
Authors and addresses
For articles with many authors, it is necessary to list the names of all the authors first, followed by the complete postal addresses, using superscript numerical identifiers to link an author with an address where appropriate. We can publish the author names only in English, so we request authors to send your names in English rather than using native language for names.
If an author’s present address is different from the address where the research was carried out, this must be explained in a footnote. You must include Fax, Telephone and E-mail addresses on the title page.
Author’s contribution list
The author should provide the complete contributor’s list (along with the manuscript), in which description of contributions made by each of them toward the manuscript should be mentioned, it’s a MANDATORY. The description can include: Concept, design, definition of intellectual content, literature search, clinical studies, experimental studies, data acquisition, data analysis, statistical analysis, manuscript preparation, manuscript editing, and manuscript review. These contributions will be published along with the article which mentioned under the Heading Contributor’s List before Funding section. This might also include the source of funding for the manuscript submitted.
Note: The Editor-in-Chief and Publisher has complete rights to raise a question based on the information provided in the Acknowledgement section and Author’s contribution list; then the Corresponding author must justify it.
An abstract should contain 300-500 words. Your abstract should provide readers concise information about the content of your article. It should be more informative, accessible and should also indicate the general scope of the article, along with the main results obtained and conclusions drawn. The abstract should be complete without table numbers, figure numbers, references or equations should be referred to.
Keywords: keywords should be 6-10 and each keyword should be separated by “semicolon (;)” and it should be capitalize each word except prepositions and conjunctions.
Main text
It is helpful for readers if your article is concise, but clarity is an essential factor. You should maintain consistency within your manuscript/article in matters such as hyphenation and spelling.
All units should be consistent throughout the article and acronyms should be explained very clearly, when they first appear in the text. Give a separate section for Abbreviation part.
Note: Your article should not contain any repetitive sentences.
Article structure
This should be concise and should describe the nature of the problem under investigation and its background. It should also set your work in the context of previous research, citing relevant references. Introductions should expand on highly specialized terms and abbreviations used in the article to make it accessible for readers.
Materials and Methods
This section should provide sufficient details of the experiment, simulation, statistical test or analysis carried out to generate the results so that the method can be repeated by another researcher.
The results section should detail the main findings and outcomes of your study. You must include tables only to improve shortness or where the information cannot be given adequately in other ways such as histograms or graphs. Tables should be numbered in sequence and should reflect the same in the text by number (Table 1, etc.). Each table should have a caption which should be as concise as possible and also need to be explanatory.
This part should discuss the significance of the study and the results and then compare using relevant references with the previous work.
This section should be used to highlight the novelty and significance of the work, and any plans for future relevant work.
This section gives an opportunity to thank people who helped with the study or preparation of the paper for authors. These includes
Technical assistance provided by any person to the authors,
Person/s who care about the animals,
The person/s who provided reagents or equipment
Anyone who had valuable discussions with them or contributed less tangible concepts
Funding Sources
All sources of financial support for the project must also be disclosed in the Funding Sources section.
The name of the funding agency and the grant number should be given, for example:
‘This work was partially funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through a National Cancer Institute Grant Number’.
Note: This NIH grant number helps to make your article appear in the PubMed, as we will submit it or you can also submit it.
Conflicts of Interest
All authors and co-authors need to disclose a conflict of interest if any while submitting their article (e.g. employment, consulting fees, research contracts, stock ownership, patent licenses, honoraria, advisory affiliations, etc). In the cover letter all the names and Email ids of the co-authors should be filled as we will E-mail all the information related to that particular article to every author in every article.
It is vitally important that you fully acknowledge all relevant work. You should also consult our Ethical Principles for general guidance on compiling your reference list.
A reference should give your reader enough information to locate the article concerned and should consist of:
1. author name(s) and initials
2. year of publication
3. the title of the journal or book
4. the volume number
5. for books: the town of publication and the name of the publisher and
6. finally the article number or page numbers.
Where there are up to five authors, all authors’ names should be given in the reference list. Where there are more than five authors, only the first name should appear, followed by et al.
Citing Published Documents
Journal articles
Standard journal article
Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005 Jan;62(1):112-116.
Journal article with organization as author
Institute of Medical Illustrators. Photography of cleft audit patients. J Audiov Media Med. 2004 Dec;27(4):170-174.
Parts of Books
Riffenburgh RH. Statistics in medicine. 2nd ed. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Elsevier Academic Press; c2006. Chapter 24, Regression and correlation methods; p.447-486.
Contributions to Books
Rojko JL, Hardy WD Jr. Feline leukemia virus and other retroviruses. In: Sherding RG, editor. The cat: diseases and clinical management. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1989. p. 229-332.
Conference Papers
Saraiva V (Foot-and-Mouth Disease Centre, PAHO/WHO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Foot-and-mouth disease in the Americas: epidemiology and ecologic changes affecting distribution. In: Bokma BH, Blouin EF, Bechara GH, editors. The impact of ecological changes on tropical animal health and disease control. 7th Biennial Conference of the Society for Tropical Veterinary Medicine; 2003 Jun 22-27; Iguacu Falls, Brazil. New York: New York Academy of Sciences; 2004. p. 73-78.
Parts of Conference Papers
Mueller K, Boye-Beaman J, Blankenau J. Assessing health needs of minorities in rural meat-processing communities. In: Bushy A, editor. Community voices calling us to action. 5th Annual Rural Minority Health Conference Proceedings; 1999 Dec 9-11; Denver, CO. Kansas City (MO): National Rural Health Association; c2000. Table 11, Chi-square tests of pap smear by selected independent variables; p. 72.
Scientific and Technical Reports
Page E, Harney JM. Health hazard evaluation report. Cincinnati (OH): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US); 2001 Feb. Report No.: HETA2000-0139-2824. 24 p.
Dissertations and Theses
Entire Dissertations and Theses
Jones DL. The role of physical activity on the need for revision total knee arthroplasty in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee [dissertation]. [Pittsburgh (PA)]: University of Pittsburgh; 2001. 436 p.
Parts of Dissertations and Theses
Lemov RM. The laboratory imagination: experiments in human and social engineering [dissertation]. [Berkeley (CA)]: University of California, Berkeley; 2000Spring. Chapter 2, Running the maze: animal and human experiments; p. 67-130.
Entire Bibliographies
Khan N, Nakajima N, Vanderburg WH, compilers. Healthy work: an annotated bibliography. Lanham (MD): Scarecrow Press, Inc.; 2004. 376 p. 617 citations.
Parts of Bibliographies
Teaching hospital costs: an annotated bibliography of the costs of medical education, patient care, and research at teaching hospitals. Washington: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2000. Chapter 3B, The cost of serving low-income patients and patients without adequate insurance coverage; p. 55-58
Cho ST, inventor; Hospira, Inc., assignee. Microneedles for minimally invasive drug delivery. United States Patent US 6,980,855. 2005 Dec 27.
Newspaper articles
Gaul G. When geography influences treatment options. Washington Post (Maryland Ed.). 2005 Jul 24; Sect. A:12 (col. 1).
Citing Unpublished Material
Forthcoming Journal Articles
Laking G, Lord J, Fischer A. The economics of diagnosis. Health Econ. Forthcoming 2006.
Forthcoming Books
Posner MI, Rothbart MK. Educating the human brain. Washington: American Psychological Association. Forthcoming 2007.
Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings
Patrias K. Computer-compatible writing and editing. Paper presented at: Interacting with the digital environment: modern scientific publishing. 46th Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors; 2003 May 3-6; Pittsburgh, PA.
Letters and Other Personal Communications
Anfinsen, Christian B. (Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD). Letter to: Cyril Ponnamperuma (University of Maryland, College Park, MD). 1991 Apr 23. 1 leaf. Located at: Modern Manuscripts Collection, History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; MS C 496, Box 8, Folder 3.
Books and Other Individual Titles in Audiovisual Formats
Wackers FJ, Jaffe CC, Lynch PJ. Nuclear cardiac imaging: equilibrium and gated first pass radionuclide angiocardiography [videodisc]. 1st ed.; Version 1.0.Saint Paul (MN): Image PSL; c1992. 1 videodisc: silent, black & white with colour, 12 in.
Journals in Audiovisual Formats
Vassar GJ, Harris JM, Teichman JM. Techniques in percutaneous nephrolithotomy using the Holmium: Yag laser. Video URL Times [videocassette]. 1998;11(2):[presentation 6, 10 min.]. 1 videocassette: sound, colour, 1/2 in.
Citing Material on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk
Books and Other Individual Titles on CD-ROM, DTD, or Disk
Kacmarek RM. Advanced respiratory care [CD-ROM]. Version 3.0. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2000. 1 CD-ROM: sound, colour, 4 3/4 in.
Journal Articles on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk
Kauffman CA, Bonilla HF. Trends in antibiotic resistance with emphasis on VRE. FPR [CD-ROM]. 1998 Oct;20(10):[about 5 screens].
Entire Journal Titles on CD-ROM, DVD, or Disk
Reality Surgery [DVD]. Dublin (Ireland): Reality Surgery Ltd. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan 2004.
Citing Material on the Internet
Entire Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet
Richardson ML. Approaches to differential diagnosis in musculoskeletal imaging [Internet]. Version 2.0.Seattle (WA): University of Washington School of Medicine; c2000 [revised 2001 Oct 1; cited 2006 Nov 1]. Available from:
Parts of Books on the Internet
Higgins JP, Green S, editors. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions [Internet]. Version 4.2.6. Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.;2006 [updated 2006 Sep]. Chapter 3, Guide to the contents of a protocol and review; [cited 2006 Nov 17]; p. 37-57. Available
Contributions to Books on the Internet
Andreeff M, Goodrich DW, Pardee AB. Cell proliferation and differentiation. In: Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, Bast RC Jr, Gansler TS, Holland JF, Frei E 3rd, editors. Cancer Medicine 6 [Internet]. Hamilton (ON): B.C. Decker Inc.; c2003 [cited 2006 Nov 7]. [about 41 p.]. Available from:
Journals on the Internet
Polgreen PM, Diekema DJ, Vandeberg J, Wiblin RT, Chen YY, David S, Rasmus D, Gerdts N, Ross A, Katz L, Herwaldt LA. Risk factors for groin wound infection after femoral artery catheterization: a case-control study. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol [Internet]. 2006 Jan [cited 2007 Jan 5];27(1):34-37. Available from:
Databases/Retrieval Systems on the Internet
Online Archive of American Folk Medicine [Internet]. Los Angeles: Regents of the University of California. 1996 – [cited 2007 Feb 1]. Available from:
Web Sites
Complementary/Integrative Medicine [Internet]. Houston: University of Texas, M. D. Anderson Cancer Center; c2007 [cited 2007 Feb 21]. Available from:
Electronic Mail and Discussion Forums
Electronic Mail
Backus, Joyce. Physician Internet search behavior: detailed study [Internet]. Message to: Karen Patrias. 2007 Mar 27 [cited 2007 Mar 28]. [2 paragraphs].
LISTSERVs and Similar Discussion Lists
Ramirez AG. NPM1 gene mutation in AML. In: AML-Listserv [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources; 2007 Jan 12 [cited 2007 Jan 14]. [about 3 screens].
Bernstein M. Bioethics Discussion Blog [Internet]. Los Angeles: Maurice Bernstein. 2004 Jul – [cited 2007 May 16]. Available from:
WIKISURGERY [Internet]. London: Surgical Associates Ltd. 2006 Sep – [modified 2007 Jan 30; cited 2007 May 3]. Available from:
Note: If you have any other type of references that have not been included above, you may refer the Sample PubMed Central Citations
You should take particular care to ensure that the information is correct so that links to referenced articles can be made successfully. Material which is really a footnote to the text should not be included in the reference list; it should contain only references to bibliographic data. Copies of cited publications not yet available publicly should be submitted for the benefit of the referees. Unpublished results/lectures should be cited only for exceptional reasons. Before submitting your manuscript/article, please ensure that you have done a literature search to cross check for any missed out relevant references.
Note: Your article should not contain any repetitive references in the references section.
Reference labeling systems
Reference numbering in the text: References are numbered sequentially through the text. The numbers should be given in square brackets, e.g. [1], [2-7] etc., and one number can be used to refer to several instances in the same article. The reference list at the end of the article should be listed in numerical order, not alphabetically.
Carefully chosen and well-prepared figures, such as diagrams and photographs, can greatly enhance your article. We strictly order authors to organize figures which should be clear, easy to read and understand that is of the best possible quality. Characters should appear as they would be set in the main body of the article. We use figures as submitted; hence it is author’s responsibility to ensure that they are legible and technically correct.
Note: If you are intended to use figures of previously published articles, you must and should obtain a Written Consent from the copyright holder before using them in your article.
Figure legends
Your figures should be numbered in the order in which they are referred to in the text. If there is more than one part to a figure (e.g. figure 1(a), figure 1(b) etc.), the parts should be identified by a lower-case letter in parentheses close to or within the area of the figure.
Note: Captions should be included in the text and not in the figures.
Supplementary data
Phronesis LLC encourages all the authors to submit supplementary data (if any) on submission to enhance the article impact and online versions of published articles. This data might include multimedia files such as video clips, sound files, animations, large tables, additional figures or appendices. Supplementary files will be hosted online with free of charge, in Phronesis LLC, which are accessible to the whole readership along with the published article.